

Chocolate Intemperance

Episode 42



Jeffrey’s Chocolate Intemperance


1½ oz. Unsweetened Bakers Chocolate

2 T Butter

1 Whole Egg

2/3 C Sugar

1/8 C All-purpose flour

Pinch of Salt

Splash of Vanilla Extract

Chocolate Mousse:

2 C Semi-sweet Chocolate Chips, Preferably Swiss such as Callebaut chips, preferable Swiss

3 T – 1 t Hot Water

5 T Tia Maria or other coffee flavored liqueur

½ C Heavy Cream

2 Eggs Separated

2 Tbsp Sugar

1 t Warm Water

Pinch of Cream of Tartar

Chocolate Glaze:

3 oz. Heavy Cream

¾ C Semi-sweet Chocolate

For brownie: Preheat oven to 350°. Chop chocolate in food processor. Over double boiler, melt chocolate and butter together, whisking frequently, for about 10 minutes or until fully melted. Transfer melted chocolate mixture to a large bowl and whisk in flour, salt and vanilla. Set aside.

Using an electric mixer with a paddle attachment, beat egg and sugar on high until mixture pales in color and doubles in volume. Fold egg mixture into the chocolate mixture. Pour batter into a parchment lined 6 or 7” springform pan 2” deep. Bake for 10 minutes or until the cake springs back when touched. Set aside to cool down.

For Mousse: Over double boiler, combine chocolate and hot water and stir for 5 minutes or until just melted. Whisk in egg yolks, one at a time, into the melted chocolate. Add Tia Maria and set aside. Whip heavy cream to medium peak and place in refrigerator. Beat egg whites on high with one teaspoon of hot water and cream of tartar for 3 minutes, or until they begin to turn opaque and firm up. Add the sugar and whip for another 2 minutes, or until the whites are firm.

Working quickly, fold the whipped egg whites and whipped cream, alternately, into the chocolate mixture until fully combined. Pour the chocolate mousse onto the brownie and tap the pan against the table to get a smooth surface. Place

In freezer to set for 2 – 4 hours or until set before proceeding to the next step.

For Glaze: In a medium-sized saucepan, heat cream for 2 minutes or until it comes to a boil. Combine chocolate chips and cream in a stainless bowl. Whisk for 1 minute or until the chocolate has fully melted and is smooth. Take the brownie with mousse from freezer and pour melted chocolate glaze over the top, lightly shaking the pan to get a smooth surface.

Place cake in freezer for at least 3 hours but preferably overnight to set before cutting.

To unmold cake, wrap a warm towel around the sides of the springform pan to warm it a bit. Loosen the spring and carefully remove. Peel parchment paper from the bottom of the cake before placing it on a plate. Dip a spatula in hot water to smooth the edge before serving.

To serve, use a hot knife to cut cake, wiping it with a cloth between cuts to assure clean edges on each piece. Serve with fresh berries. Serves 8 – 10.